土壤磷酸酶对土壤磷素的有效性具有重要作用,是评价土壤磷素生物转化方向和强度的指标,也与土壤碳、氮含量、有效磷含量和 pH 有一定的关系。本试剂盒提供一种简单、灵敏、快速的检测方法。在碱性环境中,土壤碱性磷酸酶(S- LP)催化磷酸对硝基苯酯(PNPP)生成黄色对硝基苯酚(PNP),该产物在 405nm 处有最大吸收峰。通过检测 PNP 在 405nm 下的增加速率,即可得到 S-ALP 酶活性大小。
可见分光光度计、1mL 玻璃比色皿(光径 1cm)、台式离心机、恒温培养箱、分析天平、可调式移液器、蒸馏水、甲苯。
我国把土壤酸碱度分为五级:强酸性土(PH小于5)、酸性土(PH5.0-6.5) 、中性土壤(PH6.5-7.5)、碱性土(PH7.5-8.5)、强碱性土(PH值大于8.5)。
华东和华南主要为酸性土壤 ,土壤 pH主要集中在 4.0 ~ 7.0范围内 , 其中华东 68%的土壤 pH在 4.5 ~ 5.5的很窄范围内, 而华南 56%的土壤 pH在 4.5 ~ 5.5之间, 同时尚有 29%的土壤pH在 5.5 ~ 6.5范围内;相反, 华北和西北绝大部分为 pH >7.0的中性或碱性土壤 ,其中 pH8.0~ 8.5范围内的土壤数量最多 , 分别占该地区剖面数的42%和 50%;东北和西南土壤 pH分布与上述 4个地区较为集中的分布情况有很大不同, 在 pH4.5 ~8.5的酸性、中性和碱性范围内较为均匀的分布着各种酸碱度的地带性土壤
参考文献: 戴万宏等 中国地带性土壤有机质含量与酸碱度的关系。
1.Bin Zhou. 2020. Spatial distribution of phthalate esters and the associated response of enzyme activities and microbial community composition in typical plasticshed vegetable soils in China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. IF=6.3
2.J.Y. Zheng. 2022. Forty-year-old orchards promote carbon storage by changing aggregate-associated enzyme activities and microbial communities. Catena. IF=5.20
3.Yinjie Zhang. 2021. Long-term organic substitution management affects soil phosphorus speciation and reduces leaching in greenhouse vegetable production. Journal of Cleaner Production. IF=9.3
4.ZHANG Yin-Jie. 2021. Effects of a decade of organic fertilizer substitution on vegetable yield and soil phosphorus pools, phosphatase activities, and the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable production system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. IF=2.8
5.Yin-jie ZHANG.2022.Effects of a decade of organic fertilizer substitution on vegetable yield and soil phosphorus pools, phosphatase activities, and the microbial community in a greenhouse vegetable production system.IF=4.384
6.Zhang, Mei.2022.Effects of Amaranthus palmeri Invasion on Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities and Enzymatic Stoichiometry.IF=3.61
7.Shaoguan Zhao.Rhamnolipids combined with drip irrigation as a novel strategy for promoting cotton growth by reducing salinity stress and optimizing rhizosphere microbial communities.Frontiers in Microbiology.IF=5.2
8.Guilin Wang.Rhamnolipids combined with drip irrigation as a novel strategy for promoting cotton growth by reducing salinity stress and optimizing rhizosphere microbial communities.Rhizosphere.IF=3.7
答:分光法:指使用紫外可见分光光度计检测,若无紫外可见光分光度计,订购时务必咨询公司技术。公司分光法试剂盒采用的比色皿规格是:光径:1cm,容积:1mL, 狭缝宽3mm;
微板法:指使用全波段连续酶标仪检测;若无全波段酶标仪,订购指标时务必咨询公司技术, 本公司微板法试剂盒内送96孔普通酶标板,客户无需另外购买耗材。